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At Life As It Should Be, our philosophy is one of offering holistic solutions for connection,

revival and wellbeing.  

We select and offer the best yoga, fitness, spiritual, meditation retreats around the globe.

In close collaboration with our partners, the retreats we offer were conceived as a haven for people looking for an escape from the continual pressure of daily life. We appreciate from personal experience, the need at some point in our lives, to step into a different space.


  • ​To take a few days or more, from which you actually do come back feeling rested, healthy, genuinely reinvigorated and ready to take on your life with positivity, energy and strength.

  • To experience something that changes your world, those rare moments that can subtly redirect your life.

  • To take something away with you that you can easily incorporate into your day to day - to keep the benefits of your retreat well beyond the length of your stay.  

Our retreats are designed to be rigorous and profound in terms of effect - and yet to be experienced within a personal and serene environment. We believe in a personal, low profile approach hosting a limited number of guests at a time, to ensure each guest receives proper attention and guidance.  

Our retreats offer a chance to realign yourself in places where the primal energies of the world still hold sway..... Rest, rebalance, reconnect, reorientate.

Whether you are a newfound spiritual junkie, in search of a transcendental self discovery journey, a science-driven health enthusiast looking to fine-tune your biohacking, or you're simply looking for a digital detox on a beach to disconnect and reconnect, we’ve got you covered.

We work with experts and guides using several forms of disciplines and wellness - on retreats and online - to connect both on and off the mat. 

We believe yoga, shiatsu, Lu Jong and a few more can be experienced in a healthy, physical practice but also in a cup of tea, a walk through the forest, a deep breath, striving for oneness and justice, the creation of a travel journal, even the pure sense of presence while doing and seeing something new for the first time. 

We believe that wellness is for everybody and every body, and that true wellness can lead to a more positive, inclusive world. A path that must start from within.

We also believe travel is a wonderful tool for learning how to be truly present. 

Above all, we believe in the true meaning of "connection". This means making mindful connections to ourselves and to others. 

Our retreats

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