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Time for some Rest & Recreation - Get hot and steamy at a spa and treat yourself to some fluff and buff, go for a yoga session or go all out and detox, replenish and unveil a new you. Exclusive wellness programs and services come in many shapes and sizes. So take your pick of chic urban day spas or exotic destination retreats from around the world, but remember whichever your choice – it’s time for you to take care of yourself...

Life As It Should Be, our philosophy is one of offering holistic solutions for connection,
revival and wellbeing.  

Salle de massage


Various disciplines at your disposal



Find the perfect yoga retreat for you. From spiritual escapes in India to relaxing beach breaks in Thailand or Europe, these retreats blend a diverse range of yoga types, meditation and alternative therapies to provide you with a relaxing and rejuvenating experience.

There are twenty different types of yoga, so our job is to select the most useful in our everyday lives for the best benefits.



Tibetan Healing Yoga

Start your day with Lu Jong and change your life. No matter where or who you are: see your health improve, your mind become calm and your emotions balanced.

Lu Jong is an ancient practice from the Buddhist Tantrayana and Bön traditions. The exercises of Lu Jong are based on the knowledge of Tibetan medicine, which understands that humans are a unity of body and mind.

If the natural inner balance gets disrupted, the whole organism will be affected. Diseases can be the result. Through the combination of position, movement and breath, Lu Jong opens the channels in the body and mobilizes misdirected energy. On the physical level, this leads to the activation of the body’s own self-healing powers. On the mental level, the exercises help us overcome negative emotions like anger and craving in order to achieve emotional balance and to increase our energy. On an energetic level, Lu Jong releases blockages and opens the subtle body channels. This will re-establish the proper flow of energy.

Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche collected and modified the ancient Lu Jong movements –  which have been used for millennia to maintain the health of yogis and monks –  and combined them to “Lu Jong – Tibetan Healing Yoga”, a program of body exercises adapted to Western needs, allowing everyone to balance body and mind.

“Lu Jong is meditation in movement - Lu Jong is the way to reach the silence of the mind.”




A Japanese manual therapy that aims to restructure the vital energy in the body.

Shiatsu is a form of Japanese bodywork based on pseudoscientific concepts in traditional Chinese medicine such as qi meridians. Having been popularized in the twentieth century by Tokujiro Namikoshi, shiatsu derives from the older Japanese massage modality called Anma.

Shiatsu translates as "finger pressure." There are different styles of Shiatsu, all of which have roots in one of three systems that developed in Japan in the early 1900s as a result of a resurgence of Japan's traditional medical therapies, including acupuncture and Anma massage. Shiatsu developed at this time from the integration of traditional Japanese manual therapies with modern western medical knowledge. 



Life As It Should Be selects the best spas around the globe and offers exclusive packages for you to completely relax and enjoy. Our retreats are suggested in wonderful locations which often feature just as wonderful spas.


Why do a yoga / shiatsu / Lu Jong / spa retreat or session?

  • Yoga retreats offer an intensive but rewarding, focused schedule to ensure that you maximise the benefits

  • Yoga retreats enable you to remove yourself from day-to-day life and meditate in peace and tranquillity

  • When embarking on a yoga retreat, you benefit from cleansing your body and soul, resting and recharging your batteries

  • Yoga retreats can be undertaken across the world, from traditional yoga settings such as Bali and Thailand to locations in the USA and Europe

Before planning your time off, you might ask yourself if the best retreats and spas are available to you...

With numerous location options available and a package to fit your needs, there is something to suit you or your group.


You might also ask if retreats are worth doing... The simple answer is that if you are looking to practice yoga or any form of fitness away from your familiar environment with no distractions or stresses, then yes, a retreat would work for you.


Ultimately, yoga retreats are specially designed to host meditation and contemplation, helping you to really connect with your spirit and channel inner peace. You can also combine a yoga retreat with healthy eating and detox to ensure that you benefit from the experience to its fullest.


If you are considering booking a retreat, then we have a multitude of options and combinations available to you, based in some of the world’s most beautiful locations.​


Contact us for more information


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